Vol. 14, Issue 1, 1997December 01, 1997 EDT
LOCAL GOVERNMENT Enterprise Zone Employment Act of 1997
LOCAL GOVERNMENT Enterprise Zone Employment Act of 1997
tax abatementtax exemptionunderdevelopmenteconomic declinedisinvestmentnew job creationenterprise zoneo.c.g.a. 36-88-10o.c.g.a. 36-88-9o.c.g.a. 36-88-8o.c.g.a. 36-88-7o.c.g.a. 36-88-6o.c.g.a. 36-88-5o.c.g.a. 36-88-4o.c.g.a. 36-88-3o.c.g.a. 36-88-2o.c.g.a. 36-88-1peach sheet
James Merna, LOCAL GOVERNMENT Enterprise Zone Employment Act of 1997, 14 Georgia State University Law Review (1997).