Vol. 12, Issue 1, 1995October 01, 1995 EDT
REVENUE AND TAXATION Tax Sales: Create Judicial Tax Foreclosure Procedures to Aid Low Income Housing Development
REVENUE AND TAXATION Tax Sales: Create Judicial Tax Foreclosure Procedures to Aid Low Income Housing Development
redeem propertydelinquency petitionin remtax foreclosureland bank authoritieso.c.g.a. 48-4-81o.c.g.a. 48-4-80o.c.g.a. 48-4-79o.c.g.a. 48-4-78o.c.g.a. 48-4-77o.c.g.a. 48-4-76o.c.g.a. 48-4-75peach sheet
Holly Hearn, REVENUE AND TAXATION Tax Sales: Create Judicial Tax Foreclosure Procedures to Aid Low Income Housing Development, 12 Georgia State University Law Review (1995).