Vol. 12, Issue 1, 1995October 01, 1995 EDT
CIVIL PRACTICE, COURTS Habeas Corpus: Amend Procedures for First Time Challenges to State Court Death Sentence Proceedings; General Provisions: Require Establishment of Uniform Court Rules Concerning Time Periods and Schedules
CIVIL PRACTICE, COURTS Habeas Corpus: Amend Procedures for First Time Challenges to State Court Death Sentence Proceedings; General Provisions: Require Establishment of Uniform Court Rules Concerning Time Periods and Schedules
restricted discoverytime limits for filinguniform court rulesassigning caseshearing on habeas corpus petitiondeath penaltyo.c.g.a. 15-1-9.1o.c.g.a. 19-14-48o.c.g.a. 19-14-47.1o.c.g.a. 19-14-47o.c.g.a. 19-14-44peach sheet
John Creasy Jr., CIVIL PRACTICE, COURTS Habeas Corpus: Amend Procedures for First Time Challenges to State Court Death Sentence Proceedings; General Provisions: Require Establishment of Uniform Court Rules Concerning Time Periods and Schedules, 12 Georgia State University Law Review (1995).