Vol. 16, Issue 1, 1999September 01, 1999 EDT
MOTOR VEHICLES AND TRAFFIC Uniform Rules of the Road
MOTOR VEHICLES AND TRAFFIC Uniform Rules of the Road
driving under influenceheidi's lawo.c.g.a. 42-8-111o.c.g.a. 42-8-110o.c.g.a. 40-6-394o.c.g.a. 40-6-393o.c.g.a. 40-6-391o.c.g.a. 40-5-121o.c.g.a. 40-5-64o.c.g.a. 17-10-3.1o.c.g.a. 17-6-1peach sheet
Roger Weitkamp, MOTOR VEHICLES AND TRAFFIC Uniform Rules of the Road, 16 Georgia State University Law Review (1999).