Vol. 15, Issue 1, 1998September 01, 1998 EDT
CRIMES AND OFFENSES Street Gang Terrorism and Prevention
CRIMES AND OFFENSES Street Gang Terrorism and Prevention
victims' rights lawswitness intimidation lawsgang membershipgeorgia street gang terrorism and prevention actgang activityo.c.g.a. 35-8-7o.c.g.a. 20-8-6o.c.g.a. 17-17-16o.c.g.a. 17-6-1o.c.g.a. 16-15-8o.c.g.a. 16-15-7o.c.g.a. 16-15-6o.c.g.a. 16-15-5o.c.g.a. 16-15-4o.c.g.a. 16-15-3o.c.g.a. 16-15-2o.c.g.a. 16-15-1o.c.g.a. 16-14-3o.c.g.a. 16-11-37o.c.g.a. 16-10-93o.c.g.a. 16-10-32o.c.g.a. 15-18-14o.c.g.a. 15-11-37legislative historypeach sheet
Adam Princenthal, CRIMES AND OFFENSES Street Gang Terrorism and Prevention, 15 Georgia State University Law Review (1998).