Vol. 13, Issue 1, 1996January 01, 1996 EDT
LABOR AND INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS Workers’ Compensation: Alter Determination of Experience Modifiers; Change Provisions Relating to Admission and Termination of Members of a Self-Insurance Fund; Revise Provisions Relating to Maintenance of Loss Reserves
LABOR AND INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS Workers’ Compensation: Alter Determination of Experience Modifiers; Change Provisions Relating to Admission and Termination of Members of a Self-Insurance Fund; Revise Provisions Relating to Maintenance of Loss Reserves
Georgia State University Law Review, LABOR AND INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS Workers’ Compensation: Alter Determination of Experience Modifiers; Change Provisions Relating to Admission and Termination of Members of a Self-Insurance Fund; Revise Provisions Relating to Maintenance of Loss Reserves, 13 Georgia State University Law Review (1996).