Vol. 9, Issue 1, 1992October 01, 1992 EDT
CONSERVATION AND NATURAL RESOURCES Waste Management: Creation of a State Superfund to Help Fund the Cost of Hazardous Waste Site Cleanup in Georgia
CONSERVATION AND NATURAL RESOURCES Waste Management: Creation of a State Superfund to Help Fund the Cost of Hazardous Waste Site Cleanup in Georgia
civil damages punitive damages liability solid waste hazardous waste hb 1394 act 1249 o.c.g.a. 12-8-97 o.c.g.a. 12-8-96 o.c.g.a. 12-8-95 o.c.g.a. 12-8-94 o.c.g.a. 12-8-93 o.c.g.a. 12-8-92 o.c.g.a. 12-8-91 o.c.g.a. 12-8-90 legislative history peach sheet
Sarah Inderbitzin, CONSERVATION AND NATURAL RESOURCES Waste Management: Creation of a State Superfund to Help Fund the Cost of Hazardous Waste Site Cleanup in Georgia, 9 Georgia State University Law Review (1992).