Vol. 18, Issue 4, 2002June 01, 2002 EDT
Testing for Structural Change in Legal Doctrine: An Empirical Look at the Plaintiff’s Decision to Litigate Employment Disputes a Decade After the Civil Rights Act of 1991
Testing for Structural Change in Legal Doctrine: An Empirical Look at the Plaintiff’s Decision to Litigate Employment Disputes a Decade After the Civil Rights Act of 1991
statistical methodssystemic disparate impact treatmentsystemic disparate treatmentindividual disparate treatmentpeter siegelmanprivate individual actionfederal employment discrimination legislation
Gregory Jones, Testing for Structural Change in Legal Doctrine: An Empirical Look at the Plaintiff’s Decision to Litigate Employment Disputes a Decade After the Civil Rights Act of 1991, 18 Georgia State University Law Review (2002).