Vol. 20, Issue 3, 2004March 01, 2004 EDT
The Georgia Roundtable Discussion Model: Another Way to Approach Reforming Rape Laws
The Georgia Roundtable Discussion Model: Another Way to Approach Reforming Rape Laws
voir direinvestigationfundingo.c.g.a. 16-6-22.1consenteducationcriminal sexual conductsexual batterysexual assaultdegrees of offensecautionary jury chargespast sexual behaviorresistance requirementcriminal justice systemvictimsattrition rateunder-reportingsexual violencegeorgia supreme court commission on equalitycorroboration requirementrape shield law
Andrea Curcio, The Georgia Roundtable Discussion Model: Another Way to Approach Reforming Rape Laws, 20 Georgia State University Law Review (2004).